Welcome To Offramp Updates
January-February 2012


Back in November, I announced the launch of the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center. There are now 35 students studying the 5 Part Course for Creating A Mind With Heart.

You can join them by joining the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart - the cost is "Pay What You Can" (suggested $39). You can watch Part 1 of the video lessons now by going to http://amindwheart.org to see what the Course and the Learning Center can offer you.


*** Why Study Metaphysics? Read this article to find out how to study metaphysics by living your own life.

*** One-on-One Coaching and Training Services from Heartcompass Enterprises and Metaphysics for Life. Find out how you can apply for Coaching and Training Services, and take your study and application of metaphysics to the next level in your life.

*** Applying Basic Metaphysics newly revised, easier to find the information you need to apply basic metaphysics to your life.

*** The Self-paced STUDY GUIDE is going strong with as many as 12 people subscribing each day. Complete the STUDY GUIDE and the 8 Quizzes to access and download your own Certificate of Completion from Metaphysics-for-Life!


*** I will be replacing the Metaphysics Classes Survey Form with a Scholarship Application for the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center. If you filled out the Survey, you may be receiving an email with instructions for getting a free Full Scholarship to the Learning Center within the next two weeks. Please watch your email inbox for the news!

If you would like to apply for a Scholarship, please check the Metaphysics Classes page early in March for the new application form.

*** New Video Lessons: the last lesson was #105 Heart Intelligence, and it was a big hit! Now that the Learning Center is up and running I will have some time and energy to produce more video lessons for Metaphysics-for-Life.com . I will let you know when new videos have been added. In the meantime, you can go to this Youtube channel to see what's new ...

"Metaphysical Quote"

"When we learn to manage our emotions long enough to stop and shift our attention to the quieter message of the heart, we can gain a wider perspective on any situation, often saving ourselves from hurt, frustration and pain."

-- Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

Offramp Updates
copyright 2012

Ilana Moss,
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
Foundation For A Mind With Heart

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Take the Off-Ramp to Metaphysics-for-Life.com and remember who you really are!

Join the Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart for full access to the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center .

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Metaphysics Classes, Free Video Lessons, Self-paced Study Guide

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Start Creating A Mind With Heart!

with The Heartcompass LifeNavigation System