Welcome To Offramp Updates
March 2017
What's New at Metaphysics-for-Life.com?
At Metaphysics for Life we are learning about the philosophy and science of our mind, body, soul, spirit, God, and the Cosmos.
But the one thing in life that has the biggest impact on health and happiness is our relationships with each other.
This is a "Hot Topic" right now, given all the turmoil we are seeing in politics, social media, economics, and even in the entertainment industry.
We are experiencing a convergence of energy cycles. Social, economic, environmental, and political. I can't go into all the details here, but if you are subscribed to this newsletter then you are probably tuned into other sources of information such as Barbara Marx Hubbard, Gregg Braden, and David Wilcock (these are just a few) who have spent their lives learning and sharing what they know.
This critical point in time and space (ie. your Mind) is creating a plethora of crises and opportunities for spiritual awakening and growth. Relationships with other people
provides the most abundant and powerful source of these opportunities.
I recently spent two weeks visiting family in Arizona. I had not seen my mom in nearly five years, although I did talk with her on the phone every week. I was excited and looking forward to "mother-daughter" time doing things we both love. Afternoon tea, shopping, movies, lunch with her friends, and just hanging out at her place.
One thing I had dreamed of doing for years was taking her to Sedona, just 90 minutes from her home. I was disappointed when we had to cancel those plans due to health issues she was experiencing. But what blew me away was my mother's total intolerance of my disappointment.
I have to admit, I lost control of my emotions and started yelling. I had feelings, and she was going to hear about them!
Oh my.
I really wish I had stopped and pulled out my Heartcompass Life Navigation System before reacting that way! I was traveling and didn't bring my laptop. If you know anyone who knows how to make an app, the world really
needs a Heartcompass Life Navigation App!!
Fortunately, I was able to borrow my mom's laptop, and I downloaded the Heartcompass Owner's Manual as soon as possible. I identified the fear based beliefs that had created the conflict between myself and my mom. I created heart coherence (Heartmath) and received Love-based Truth.
With my heart coherent, and Love-based Truth in my Mind, I was able to sit down with my mom and offer her the love and appreciation she needed. When "others" "attack" us it is always a call for LOVE <3
Of course, she's my mom. There is a bond there that can never be broken. But what about people not related to us? Or even that we see or hear about only on TV or social media?
My mom watches a lot of news (I don't). There was a LOT of drama from the White House that week (I won't name names).
I won't go into my personal experience in these matters. What everyone is noticing is the ever increasing polarity in our political and social environment.
Just like the "blow up" I had with my mom, it is necessary for the subconscious and unconscious fear based beliefs to come to the surface before they can be "healed". When I say "healed" I mean remembering who we really are, and that we are already one and whole.
If you are following the news on TV and/or social media, you can use these opportunities for healing and spiritual growth.

You can train your brain to identify fear based beliefs, create heart coherence, and replace belief with Love-based Truth. Most people I have worked with one on one learn how to do this in about five weeks or less.
The end result is increased health and well being, inner peace, and access to inner resources to deal with conflict and achieve our dreams and goals.
With practice, Heartcompass Life Navigation is a "hack" that can change the course of your life in 15 minutes or less!
To learn more about how you can get started, and options for self guided study and/or one on one coaching,
please join the Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart.
And if you know how to build an app, please reply to this email! Thank you :-)
Until next week,
Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
Metaphysics for Life
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Ilana Moss,
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart