Welcome To Offramp Updates
Sept 28, 2017
When things get out of balance.
We all have times in our lives when a crisis/opportunity pulls us out of alignment with our dreams and goals, and the plans we make to achieve them
Millions - if not billions - of people on the planet are in a state of crisis and opportunity at this moment.
I really don't think it's necessary for me to reiterate the long list of problems most of us are facing in one way or another at this time - climate, health, financial, political and relationship conflicts, and so on.
The question we need to be asking now is, "What is the best way to respond?"
I have to admit, this past year has been a real challenge, and wake up call, for myself. Diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis). Thought I had cancer (which turned out to be benign). There was financial stress, relationship crises, loss of my 17 year old wolf-dog, and then the fires in the Pacific Northwest that filled the valleys of Southern Oregon with smoke for weeks.
The really interesting thing is that all of these challenges coincided with my decision last year to step up my game at work, and start offering webinars and more courses to thousands of people.
Now, I have never been a religious person, despite my spiritual experiences. So I did not subscribe to the belief that there is a "war" going on between "Heaven" and "hell" or "good" and "evil". I do know that there is a kind of war going on in our own hearts and minds, that is, the battle between what I call "False Fear Based Beliefs" and "Love Based Truth".
However, in the past two months, which have been especially challenging, I've had a change of heart. I do believe that, as we attempt to climb the spiritual ladder and reach enlightenment, the "inner war" between "good" and "evil", Love and fear, Truth and Illusion, etc. intensifies and becomes manifest in our outer physical life experience.
And that could, indeed, be called a "war between Heaven and hell"! At least, that's how I have been experiencing it.
So, how do we fight this battle? What is the best way to respond to the outer manifestations of weather, financial, relationship, health, and other "crises"?
Good question.
To help answer that, I would like to refer you to a new resource I was recently referred to by a friend. Remember, we're not in this alone! :-) .
It's a series of books and videos, available free online, from a non-profit organization called "The Swedenborg Foundation".
The videos are modern commentaries on the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, a scientist, philosopher and theologian who lived in Stockholm and London at the turn of the 18th Century (1688-1772). He became a prolific author when he began having spiritual experiences that he says allowed him to experience directly the nature of Heaven, hell, angels, and demons. Even if you have never heard of him directly, his writings and philosophy have influenced some of our most influential philosophers, including
Immanuel Kant and others. (ref. Wikipedia)
The way Swedenborg describes the nature of physical reality coincides with my own spiritual insights and experiences, so I am inclined to believe his descriptions of his direct experience of what he calls Heaven and hell.
If you would like to begin watching and reading this material you can visit the Swedenborg Foundation online and on Youtube. Be aware however, this material is deeply rooted in the Christian faith. However, it is directed to and open to people of all faiths and beliefs.
What all this has meant for myself and the work I do here at Metaphysics for Life and the Mind With Heart Learning Center is that, at times, I need to deal with inner storms and outer manifestations of the battle that seems to be going on between "good" and "evil" here on Earth. Just as we all do.
I believe it will be most helpful to everyone if I no longer take time away when these battles are going on, but share them with you as I fight the fight, and no doubt win - because Love Based Truth always wins.
To do this, I would like to offer you bi-weekly webinars at the Mind With Heart Learning Center at Expertise TV at no charge, starting this October, 2017. (See link to register below).
I will also try to do a weekly Facebook Live event and see how that goes. You can join the Facebook Group by searching for Creating A Mind With Heart or use this link now:
Visit Creating A Mind With Heart on Facebook
I will also start teaching the five week Total Heart Mind Body Soul Makeover Course at the Mind With Heart Academy. For more information about that, be sure to attend the webinars at the Learning Center.
The first free webinar will be held Monday, October 2nd at 5:30pm PST. Visit this page to see what time it will be in your location, and to:
Register to attend live or receive the replay:
You can also
Visit the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center Community
If you are already a member of the Learning Center you will be receiving an invitation from the Center (be sure you have Expertise.tv in your contacts list so the invitation doesn't go to spam).
Thank you for taking the time to read this rather long issue of Offramp Updates. I look forward to seeing you at the Virtual Learning Center, and getting to know you and your needs better so I can be of greater service to you in the near future.
Until next week,
Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
Metaphysics for Life
Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart
the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center
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copyright 2017
Ilana Moss,
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart