The Metaphysics For Life
WEEK 8 - Metaphysical Schools, Classes,  and Degrees

This week we will explore some options for attending Metaphysical Schools, finding Metaphysics Classes, and obtaining a Metaphysics Degree.

Today you can find a number of Metaphysical Schools that are accredited and offer degree programs in metaphysics.

Some of the benefits of obtaining a degree include, but are not limited to:

  • Credibility as an author, teacher, healer, or minister.
  • Employment with companies and organizations that offer personal growth and self-help programs and services.
  • Personal empowerment for starting your own business or organization, or in any area or field you are already engaged or interested in (science, art, politics, etc.).

The schools listed at are broken down into two categories: 

  1. Accredited schools that offer Bachelors, Masters, and PhD programs in metaphysics, and 
  2. Schools that offer Applied Metaphysics programs in business, science, technology, leadership, health, and more. Some of the Applied program schools are also accredited and offer degrees.

Metaphysics for Life also offers educational programs:

Metaphysics For Life is not an accredited university, so there are currently no degree programs available.

You will find schools that offer degrees in metaphysics as you complete this week's assignment.

Submit your answers to This Week's Quiz to obtain your Metaphysics for Life Certificate of Completion. When you are done you will receive an email with directions for accessing and downloading your Certificate.

You can repeat this STUDY GUIDE as often as you like.  This week's Quiz Answers will also have a LINK back to WEEK 1 - What Is Metaphysics? so you can begin again.

Learn about Metaphysical Schools and submit this Week's Quiz to get your METAPHYSICS FOR LIFE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION.

This Week's Assignment

This week, click on the SCHOOLS button of the Navigation bar

or, click HERE to open the page in a new tab

Begin exploring the many options available for obtaining a metaphysics degree, or obtain training and education in applied metaphysics.

Use the Study Guide Quiz Questions below to help guide you.

When you are done with this week's assignment, complete and submit the WEEKLY QUIZ below.

This is the Final Quiz in the STUDY GUIDE!

Submit your answers and receive instructions to receive your CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. 

Metaphysics For Life Study Guide QUIZ

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.


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